As most know, the iPad and Flash don't get along. For that matter many Android devices won't run Flash content either, though some do. So a lot of folks have tried to get around this. One fairly successful strategy is an iPad Internet browser that actually logs into a central desktop pc and through the iPad interface lets you run the Flash content remotely, as if it were on the iPad. Photon was the first I knew of, and it was...hmm...just okay. Low resolution, slow, buggy. Then Puffin came out recently. This one's really good! It does the same thing as Photon, but does it much more crisply, faster, and more elegantly. So Flash is effectively no longer banned from the iPad! Below is a Flash file for reference, as well as a link to the Puffin product.
How CV Carburetors Work
The Puffin Browser
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